WWF Classroom Grants provide opportunities for teachers to fund innovative experiences that enhance the learning environment. WWF has awarded over $300,000 in classroom grants to teachers in schools throughout WWCSD.
2024-25 Grant Cycle:
Only one grant cycle per year.
Grant application will close at 3pm on October 1, 2024.
Application Questions (for reference):
Project Title
Project Description
How will your project advance innovation and excellence? - Clearly state the goal of your project.
How the Project Benefits Students
Project Abstract - In 4 sentences or less (up to 75 words), briefly explain your project.
Did the building administrator(s) approve this grant application?
Name of person requesting grant funds.
Employees applying for grants are required to have made a financial contribution to the Wayne-Westland Education Foundation. Has the requestor meet this requirement?
Primary Email
Primary Phone Number
Proposed Start Date
Proposed Completion Date
Grade levels served/impacted (check all that apply)
Buildings served/impacted (check all that apply)
How many students will the grant serve/impact?
Will the building(s) CONTRIBUTE to funding this project?
Have you RAISED any funds for this project beyond this grant application?
If the building(s) will CONTRIBUTE or you have RAISED funding for this project, please explain in detail.
Materials & Supplies (Budget)
Total grant amount requested (up to $1,500)